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Mostly vocabulary stories
Vocabulary Story    1939 Car of the Future

Vocabulary Story 1939 Car of the Future

1 Vocabulary Story 1939 Car of the Future . The first NYC World’s Fair in 1939, had a car with tripartite wheels. This preempted attention at the GM pavilion; unfaltering drawing crowds. People would loiter around its track even in sultry weather. This ‘car of the future’ was disparaged as being afflicted with intractable control issues. However; this was erroneous. One must do obeisance to Buckminster Fuller for a car ahead of its time. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 924 1939 Car of the Future . The first NYC World’s Fair in 1939, had a car with three wheels. This took over all the attention at the GM pavilion; aways drawing crowds. People would hang around its track even in hot humid weather. This ‘car of the future’ was criticized as being troubled with unsolvable control issues. However; this was wrong. One must do homage to Buckminster Fuller for a car ahead of its time. .
Vocabulary Story 921  The South's Desperate Plan

Vocabulary Story 921 The South's Desperate Plan

1 Vocabulary Story 921 The South’s Desperate Plan As the South began to lose the US Civil War, the Confederacy took measures apropos to the gravity of the situation. They took formerly traduced dissidents from prisons and crazy houses and collated them into units that could be used to skirmish with the invading Union forces. These were conjoined into armies; the generals accorded the biases of their officers to give rank. As they moved forward, these grim troops chanted incantations. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 921 The South’s Desperate Plan . As the South began to lose the US Civil War, the Confederacy took measures appropriate to the seriousness of the situation. They took formerly slandered odd people from prisons and crazy houses and sorted them into units that could be used to fight with the invading Union forces. These were assembled into armies; the generals gave in the whims of their officers to give rank. As they moved forward, these grim troops chanted magic tunes. .
Vocabulary Story 919  The Plight of the Homeless

Vocabulary Story 919 The Plight of the Homeless

1 Vocabulary Story 919 The Plight of the Homeless . The mean homeless person lives in monotonous, licentious, noxious conditions. The rudimentary conditions amount to asperity. Their skin gets effaced. Rain obviates the need for a wash. Their few raffish possessions are in a cardboard box. Helping them out of this plot is meritorious. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 919 The Plight of the Homeless . The average homeless person lives in boring, immoral, harmful conditions. The primitive conditions amount to harshness. Their skin gets rubbed away. Rain replaces the need for a wash. Their few tawdry possessions are in a cardboard box. Helping them out of this plot is praiseworthy.
Vocabulary Story 928  Our Sad Morality Values

Vocabulary Story 928 Our Sad Morality Values

1 Vocabulary Story 928 Our Sad Morality Values . We now have unprecedently pliable morality and legal systems. There are weak convictions, using slight pretexts to mollycoddle criminals, absolving them of wrong doing. It is an improvised system, vilifying good people as a panacea for supposed past wrongs. At the same time, abortion is rampant and there is talk of euthanizing the old and infirm. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 928 Our Sad Morality Values . We now have unheard of flexible morality and legal systems. There are weak beliefs, using minor excuses to pamper criminals, forgiving them for wrong doing. It is a made-up-on-the-fly system, condemning good people as a cure-all for supposed past wrongs. At the same time, abortion is pervasive and there is talk of ‘mercy killing’ the old and infirm. . .
Vocabulary Story 930  The Old Crazy Artist Spoke

Vocabulary Story 930 The Old Crazy Artist Spoke

1 Vocabulary Story 930 The Old Crazy Artist Spoke . The limpid lily pond is a relic of the taut coy neurotic artist’s life. His stilted art is systematic of his disordered mind. He used many irrelevant malapropisms in his advice to young artists, who thought his early death a calamity. . . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 930 The Old Crazy Artist Spoke . The clear lily pond is a left over of the tight shy muddled artist’s life. His awkward art is a product of his disordered mind. He used many nonsensical funny word substitutions in his advice to young artists who thought his early death a tragedy.
Vocabulary Story 987  Why Gold was Banned in the USA

Vocabulary Story 987 Why Gold was Banned in the USA

1 Vocabulary Story 987 Why Gold was Banned in the USA . It is a paradox that with the advent of the gold standard, owning ingots of gold was banned in the US. The protagonist of this move was FDR who had an affinity for economic tinkering, a connoisseur of mercantilism. The economy went into a stupor but government censors muted the news. Heirloom gold ownership was OK and people dissemble a lot to get around the rules. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 987 Why Gold was Banned in the USA . It is an oddity that with the coming of the gold standard, owning gold bars was banned in the US. The lead actor of this move was FDR who had an fondness for economic tinkering, a disciple of mercantilism. The economy went into a swoon but government watchdogs softened the news. Oldly held gold ownership was OK and people lied a lot to get around the rules.
Vocabulary Story 984  What Old Radio Shows Were Like

Vocabulary Story 984 What Old Radio Shows Were Like

1 Vocabulary Story 984 What Old Radio Shows Were Like . The epoch of radio shows produced a compendium of great shows. The exquisite plots were reiterated later in TV shows. There was shrewd work done by geniuses, some of which were autistic and lived in NYC garrets. One blanches with revulsion at the poor material of today which anyone knowledgeable loaths. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 984 What Old Radio Shows Were Like . The age of radio shows produced a treasure trove of great shows. The wonderful plots were repeated later in TV shows. There was witty work done by geniuses, some of which were very inwardly focused and lived in NYC attics. One blushes with disgust at the poor material of today which anyone knowledgeable hates. .
Vocabulary Story 951  NYC Beatnik Poets

Vocabulary Story 951 NYC Beatnik Poets

1 Vocabulary Story 951 NYC Beatnik Poets . NYC in the 1950’s was home to obscure esoteric authors who eschewed fame or even notice. You could get fine repartee in bars from them but fame was pernicious. There people were congruent to this environment with lessors, bars and nighttime. Occasionally there would be a melee but the people involved were conciliatory. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 951 NYC Beatnik Poets . NYC in the 1950’s was home to little known hard to understand authors who shunned fame or even notice. You could get fine conversation in bars from them but fame was harmful. There people were matched to this environment with landlords, bars and nighttime. Occasionally there would be a brawl but the people involved were sorry. .
Vocabulary Story 952  Conditions in the City

Vocabulary Story 952 Conditions in the City

1 Vocabulary Story 952 Conditions in the City . The city is a vortex of chicanery with arrant villains and troopers living by expedient means in garrets if necessary. It’s a tenet that most people are genteel, who would be offended if you intimated otherwise. . . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 952 Conditions in the City . The city is a whirlpool of trickery with complete villains and sloggers living by what ever works in attics if necessary. It’s a rule that most people are polite, who would be offended if you hinted otherwise. . .
Vocabulary Story 997  Where My Travels Have Taken Me

Vocabulary Story 997 Where My Travels Have Taken Me

1 Vocabulary Story 997 Where My Travels Have Taken Me . My peregrinations took me to halcyon places and others with absolute tumult. Best to be wily and distinguish between the two at a distance. One place had vestiges of the old days - tiers of flayed animal heads! Reprehensible! . . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 997 Where My Travels Have Taken Me . My wanderings took me to peaceful places and others with complete chaos. Best to be wise and see between the two at a distance. One place had left overs of the old days - rows of skinned animal heads! Shameful! .
Vocabulary Story 972  The Shakespeare Controversy

Vocabulary Story 972 The Shakespeare Controversy

1 Vocabulary Story 972 The Shakespeare Controversy . Many malcontents call the author with the non de plume Shakespeare spurious. They lope to conspiracy theories deviating from the tradition leaving Shakespeare unscathed as the great English playwright. They cite the play’s archaic accents as evidence. They say narcissism must have been an asset to a person writing such material as in the plays. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 972 The Shakespeare Controversy . Many unsatisfied people call the author with the pen name Shakespeare a phony. They run to conspiracy theories parting from the tradition leaving Shakespeare unharmed as the great English playwright. They quote the play’s old fashioned accents as evidence. They say self love must have been an aid to a person writing such material as in the plays. .
Vocabulary Story 996   What Old Rulers Do

Vocabulary Story 996 What Old Rulers Do

1 Vocabulary Story 996 What Old Rulers Do . When a potentate gets to be an octogenarian, it’s an unfaltering rule that he turns to genocide and terror as a panacea for his loosening grip on power. This was a systematic problem in China. They even have an ideogram describing it. It is an angular symbol meaning 'end of reign - tremble. It was an inane system. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 996 What Old Rulers Do . When a strongman gets to be an 80 year old, it’s an unfailing rule that he turns to mass murder and terror as a cure-all for his loosening grip on power. This was a built-in problem in China. They even have an letter describing it. It is a squarish symbol meaning 'end of reign - tremble. It was a nonsensical system.
Vocabulary Story 994  The USA is Your Best Friend, Really

Vocabulary Story 994 The USA is Your Best Friend, Really

1 Vocabulary Story 994 The USA is Your Best Friend, Really . From pragmatic experience, it has been found best to ally with the USA. You get great perquisites; hence the stereotype of Uncle Sam. I say this without being supercilious or insolent as an American myself. So the fall of the USA into being a nonentity has kindled bedlam. This passage has been bowdlerized. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 994 The USA is Your Best Friend, Really . From practical experience, it has been found best to join with the USA. You get great benefits; thus the image of of Uncle Sam. I say this without being proud or insulting as an American myself. So the fall of the USA into being of little importance has caused chaos. This passage has been edited.
Vocabulary Story 834  Big Trucks are Expensive

Vocabulary Story 834 Big Trucks are Expensive

1 Vocabulary Story 834 Big Trucks are Expensive . Delivery companies allocate a lot to new trucks to keep their operations effectual. Trucks are ephemeral; it is a biennial expense to get new ones. You see them huge and burnished on the highways. Many people loath them and make trenchant arguments against the pollution they make including chloroform. Think of this the next time you give a perquisite to your delivery man. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 834 Big Trucks are Expensive . Delivery companies pay a lot for new trucks to keep their operations efficient. Trucks don’t last long; it is a every two year expense to get new ones. You see them huge and polished on the highways. Many people despise them and make cutting arguments against the pollution they make including surgery gas. Think of this the next time you give a tip to your delivery man. .
Vocabulary Story 835  The Rock Star

Vocabulary Story 835 The Rock Star

1 Vocabulary Story 835 The Rock Star . The rock star was actually jocular and unassuming. He was also improvident. Gadfly fans bivouaced in front of his mansion descried him in his filigree jackets. He had been an advocate of raw Rock and Roll in the eon of the big hits. The internet and digital music scotched his career. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 835 The Rock Star . The rock star was actually funny and modest. He was also a spendthrift. Annoying fans camped in front of his mansion made him out him in his bejeweled jackets. He had been an practitioner of raw Rock and Roll in the eon of the big hits. The internet and digital music ended his career. .
Vocabulary Story 843  Pacific Island Landings of US Forces

Vocabulary Story 843 Pacific Island Landings of US Forces

1 Vocabulary Story 843 Pacific Island Landings of US Forces . In WW2, American overt island landing attempts were rebuffed by the Japanese with heavy casualties. The piquant smell of gunfire floated along the shores. This mortified the generals, who made profane comments about the situation. A better system, bolstered by subsidiary fire from naval guns had better success. Isolated units could disperse by guile during the night, making progress inland. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 843 Pacific Island Landings of US Forces . In WW2, American telegraphed island landing attempts were thrown back by the Japanese with heavy casualties. The sharp smell of gunfire floated along the shores. This embarrassed the generals, who made salty comments about the situation. A better system, supplemented by secondary fire from naval guns had better success. Individual units could scatter by stealth during the night, making progress inland. .
Vocabulary Story 849  Cohan the Barbarian Triumphs

Vocabulary Story 849 Cohan the Barbarian Triumphs

1 Vocabulary Story 849 Cohan the Barbarian Triumphs . In a morass, a band of marauders killed Cohan’s family. Cohan was captured, inaugurating a life of servile labor, grinding corn like a mule. Ten years passed and what a revelation! Cohan grew and qualified as a muscle man with the stereotype big pecs. The raiders got to rue killing his parents. Cohan identified the man who had the quirk of using a snake as an emblem. After obloquy Cohan killed him. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 849 Cohan the Barbarian Triumphs . In a bog, a band of raiders killed Cohan’s family. Cohan was captured, beginning a life of slave labor, grinding corn like a mule. Ten years passed and what a sight! Cohan grew and would pass as a muscle man with the typical big pecs. The raiders got to regret killing his parents. Cohan identified the man who had the oddity of using a snake as an insignia. After words Cohan killed him. .